Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Santa Lucia (Saint Lucy) Song

The Parenting Passageway has a good post on the December 13 festival of Saint Lucy/Santa Lucia called Santa Lucia Day in the Waldorf Home. In the post is an embedded link to the Swedish Santa Lucia song as well as a link to lyrics translated by Mama Lisa's World.

In my daughter's school, the song has been simplified to these few lines:

Now in the darkest night
Enter with candlelight
Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!

For this blog, I sang the song twice on video:


Carrie said...

This is excellent! Thank you so much for this simplified version - I am sending folks your way!

Saints and Spinners said...

Thank you, Carrie! I read The Parenting Passageway regularly, and am flattered that you linked to my blog.

Anonymous said...

YAy! Just found your blog via Parenting Passage. I'm off to browse. I need help in learning new songs!

Saints and Spinners said...

6p00d8341d093553ef: Welcome! It's good to have you here. I just posted a new song, too.

Angelina Lloyd said...

Hello again...do you happen to have any spring songs to share...I have loved the gifts you offered on the blog as winter season songs. Thanks again!

Saints and Spinners said...

Hi Angelina: I have been thinking about spring songs! I've gotten a bit caught up in the swing of work, and haven't done more than think. However, I'd like to get some May songs up before May Day. Thanks so much for the nudge.